On 14 July 2000, Mr Peter James COMERFORD received fatal injuries when he was struck by a bearing housing assembly which fell during the lift of a crusher frame by an overhead travelling crane in the SINTER PLANT of the MOUNT ISA MINES LEAD SMELTER.
AET Operations Pty Ltd commission a suitably certified independent Occupational Health and Safety audit of their safety management system and the findings of the audit be implemented within six months.
Risk assessments for future projects should be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of AS/NZS 4360, Risk Management (as amended).
During a Job Safety Analysis the activity must be broken down into specific logical steps. The team carrying out this analysis should consist of persons involved in the work and those with relevant expertise. Criteria should be established to determine when a JSA needs to be modified.
Operating manuals, installation manuals and other relevant documents for all machinery, to be kept, maintained and filed by the Principal and provided for inspection by persons or contractors required to work on the machinery or equipment. Work on or alterations to all machinery must be properly documented and recorded by the Principal.