
David Firth 1988

18/08/1988 - Number 2 Mine, Collinsville Coal Company - Fall / Roof fall

The deceased, David Joseph Firth, received fatal injuries when, as a mine deputy on the afternoon shift on the 18th day of August 1988, whilst engaged in a bottom coal removal process at the intersection of Level 47 and 17 heading in 32C Panel, a section of roof fell causing a fall of rib coal and subsequent injury.

This accident claimed the life of David Firth


  • Prior to extraction of previously developed pillars in 32C panel, detailed mapping of roof and pillar strain indicators and geological features should be undertaken and recorded on the extraction plan.
  • Where a change to the extraction method is to be implemented that a stable barrier of pillar or pillars be left prior to the new extraction area being commenced.
  • All employees be provided with a clear understanding of the mining method and its requirements for implementation.
  • The manager's rules for the extraction method and roof support are to be strictly adhered to at all times.
  • The mode of reporting by deputies at C.C.P. number two mine be substantially upgraded to allow for detailed and specific information on mining conditions to be accurately recorded.