An empty Wabco fifty haul pack dump truck driven by Mr Wolfenden came into collision with a loaded dump truck of the same kind, driven in the oppsosite direction. The accident occurred while the deceased was negotiating a bend in haul road number seventy-five, at which time he lost control of the vehicle and collided with the other truck.
All haul road pavements should be either firstly constructed of suitable base material to eliminate or reduce slippery driving conditions on wet pavement surfaces. Or secondly, where suitable base materials are not used, designed with consideration to available materials, as to eliminate or reduce slippery driving conditions on wet pavement surfaces, provided that appropriate maximum speed control signs shall be erected at strategic locations.
That all drivers assigned to water cart duties receive special training in the use of watering facilities.
That all drivers using the haul roads receive as part of their training, special instruction on anti-slip procedures, and that each driver receive training updates in respect of those procedures annual.