
1922 Caledonian Colliery

02/05/1922 - Caledonian Colliery - Burns, Explosion / Methane Explosion

On the morning of Tuesday May 2, 1922, mates Hermann Argow aged 26 and William Pattison aged 28 were working at the pit bottom of No 2, South Section of the Caledonian Colliery at Walloon, their task being to re-timber an airway.

They had been working at this same task during the previous four days without mishap.

On that fateful morning a gas explosion occurred at the site, injuring both men who suffered extensive, severe burns to their torsos, limbs and faces. Despite his awful injuries, Hermann Argow managed to make his way from the accident
site to call for help from horse driver Patrick McGreary who was nearby. Patrick McGreary was able to help Hermann, first shouting a warning to mine manager Arthur Boughen who quickly went to assist William Pattison.

Patrick McGreary helped the injured Hermann from the pit bottom to the surface where first aid was rendered by colliery clerk Davis and others, Patrick not realising the extent of the burns the young miner had suffered.

Meanwhile, mine manager Arthur Boughen assisted a badly burned William Pattison by wrapping him in some clothing and helping him to the surface.

An ambulance arrived within a half hour and took both injured miners to hospital. Sadly, they had suffered such serious burn injuries that both men passed away - Hermann Argow on Wednesday 3 May and William Pattison on Tuesday 9 May. One can only imagine the suffering they endured during their last days, and the difficult task of the hospital staff who cared for them.

This accident claimed the lives of 2 people, these were: Herman Argow, William Pattison