The recommendations of the reviewers are as follows:
Mine induction shall cover the appropriate safety procedures on each mine site and the personnel in question shall be given tasks specific instructions to suit the nature of the work being carried out and the procedures to be followed.
Hotwork permit procedures shall be enforced at all mine sites to cover hazardous area.
When people are welding, gouging, flame cutting, grinding or heating, in areas like the tub or revolving frame of draglines the area in question must be adequately ventilated.
Before any equipment is used on a mine site it must be examined by a competent person to ensure that it meets the appropriate Australian Standards.
When using any gas in enclosed areas regular testing of the atmosphere must be employed to detect any build-up of explosive gases.
The manufacturers of liquid petroleum gas must ensure that the percentage of ethyl mercaptan is in compliance with the appropriate Australian Standards AS1596 1983, every batch shall be tested and the results supplied to the chief gas examiner of Queensland.
No oxy or actylene or fuel gas equipment shall be left unattended in any enclosed area.