
2022 Opal Mine Fall From Roof

26/11/2022 - Red October Mine - Fall / Fall from height

At approximately 09:15 on Saturday 26 November 2022, Ronald Selig received fatal injuries when he fell approximately 5.8 meters from the roof of a workshop to the ground.

Mr Selig had been undertaking repairs to the roof of a workshop that had been damaged during a severe weather event. Whilst Mr Selig was walking along the damaged roof line, the ridge purlin gave way causing Mr Selig to fall through the roof sheeting to the ground.

In 2020, the workshop’s end frame was damaged when it was contacted by heavy mobile plant.

In 2021, repairs were made to the workshop’s damaged end frame. These repairs were a modification to the original design & installation of the structure.

Further damage was caused on or before 24 November 2022 during a severe weather event. At the time of the accident Mr Selig and the other worker were attempting to repair this damage.

This accident claimed the life of Ronald Selig